Creating a cosplay scythe is an exciting project that can elevate your costume to the next level. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of crafting your own cosplay scythe, from planning and materials to construction and finishing touches. Whether you're aiming for a classic Death's scythe or a character-specific weapon like Ruby Rose's Crescent Rose from RWBY, this guide will help you bring your vision to life.

Planning Your Cosplay Scythe

Before diving into the construction process, it's crucial to plan your scythe carefully. This stage will set the foundation for your entire project.
Choosing Your Design
The first step is to decide on the specific scythe design you want to create. Are you aiming for a realistic, traditional scythe, or a more fantastical version from a video game or anime? Research your chosen design thoroughly, gathering reference images and noting key details. For instance, if you're creating Ruby Rose's Crescent Rose from RWBY, you'll need to account for its transforming mechanism and intricate details.
Scaling and Proportions
Once you've settled on a design, consider the scale of your scythe. A full-sized scythe can be impressive but may be unwieldy at conventions. Consider your own height and build when deciding on the scythe's dimensions. For accuracy, you might want to use official character height charts or compare the weapon to the character's body in reference images.
Materials Selection
Choosing the right materials is crucial for both the appearance and functionality of your scythe. Common materials for cosplay weapons include:
  • PVC pipe for the handle and structural support
  • EVA foam for the blade and decorative elements
  • Thermoplastics like Worbla for detailed parts
  • Wood for a more traditional look
  • Lightweight metals for advanced builders
Consider factors such as durability, weight, and convention weapon policies when selecting your materials. Many cosplayers opt for foam and PVC due to their lightweight nature and ease of use.

Gathering Your Tools and Supplies

Before you start building, ensure you have all the necessary tools and supplies. Here's a comprehensive list:
  • Hot glue gun
  • Craft knife or box cutter
  • Sandpaper (various grits)
  • Heat gun
  • Dremel or rotary tool
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil and marker
  • Safety equipment (goggles, gloves, dust mask)
  • PVC pipe (for the handle)
  • EVA foam sheets (various thicknesses)
  • Craft foam
  • Contact cement or super glue
  • Spray paint (primer, base color, metallic finishes)
  • Acrylic paint for details
  • Clear sealant
  • Fabric or leather for wrapping (optional)
  • Decorative elements (gems, chains, etc.)

Constructing the Scythe Handle

The handle forms the backbone of your scythe, providing structure and support for the blade.
  1. Cut the PVC pipe to your desired length. Sand the ends smooth.
  2. If your design requires a curved handle, you can heat the PVC carefully with a heat gun and bend it to shape. Be cautious and use protective gear.
  3. For added stability, consider inserting a wooden dowel or metal rod inside the PVC.
  4. Wrap the handle with foam to create a more comfortable grip and add thickness if needed.
  5. If desired, wrap the foam with fabric or faux leather for a finished look.

Crafting the Scythe Blade

The blade is the most distinctive part of your scythe and requires careful crafting.
  1. Draw your blade design on EVA foam sheets. For larger blades, you may need to create it in sections.
  2. Cut out the foam pieces carefully with a craft knife or box cutter.
  3. Use a heat gun to carefully shape the foam, creating curves and beveled edges.
  4. Sand the edges smooth and round them if desired.
  5. For a double-sided blade, create two identical pieces and glue them together with contact cement.
  6. Add details like grooves or patterns using a Dremel tool or by gluing on additional foam pieces.

Joining the Blade to the Handle

This step is crucial for the stability and safety of your prop.
  1. Create a strong joint by embedding part of the handle into the blade. Cut a slot in the blade foam to accommodate the handle.
  2. Use a combination of hot glue and contact cement for a secure bond.
  3. Reinforce the joint with additional foam pieces or thermoplastics.
  4. For extra stability, consider running a metal rod through the handle and into the blade.

Adding Details and Embellishments

This is where your scythe truly comes to life and reflects your chosen design.
  1. Use craft foam or Worbla to create additional details like bolts, rivets, or decorative patterns.
  2. Add any mechanical elements or moving parts. For complex designs like Crescent Rose, you might need to create a collapsible or folding mechanism.
  3. Attach chains, gems, or other decorative elements as per your design.
  4. For weathered looks, consider adding battle damage or wear using various sculpting and painting techniques.

Painting and Finishing

The final stage brings your scythe to its full glory.
  1. Start with a base coat of flexible primer designed for foam.
  2. Apply your base color evenly. Multiple thin coats are better than one thick coat.
  3. Use metallic paints to create a realistic metal finish on the blade.
  4. Add weathering effects with dry brushing or washes to give depth and realism.
  5. Paint details and patterns as needed.
  6. Seal your work with a clear, flexible sealant to protect the paint and add shine.

Safety Considerations

When creating and using your cosplay scythe, safety should be a top priority.
  1. Ensure all edges are smooth and not sharp. Round off any potentially dangerous points.
  2. Check the stability of your prop regularly, especially the joint between the blade and handle.
  3. Be aware of your surroundings when carrying your scythe at conventions or events.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the weapon policies of any events you plan to attend.

Customization Ideas

While following a specific design is great, don't be afraid to add your own creative touches.
  1. Incorporate LED lights for a glowing effect.
  2. Add articulation or folding mechanisms for compact storage.
  3. Experiment with different textures on the blade or handle.
  4. Include personal symbols or motifs that reflect your character or style.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure your cosplay scythe lasts for multiple conventions and photoshoots, proper care is essential.
  1. Store your scythe in a cool, dry place to prevent warping or paint damage.
  2. Use a soft cloth to dust it regularly.
  3. Touch up paint as needed, especially after heavy use.
  4. Check and tighten any loose parts before each use.

Inspiration and Resources

For more ideas and detailed tutorials, consider exploring these resources:
  1. Cosplay forums and communities for tips and showcases of others' work.
  2. Video tutorials on platforms like YouTube for step-by-step visual guides.
  3. Cosplay supply websites like for materials and ready-made components.
  4. Etsy's cosplay weapon section for inspiration and potential base pieces to modify.


Creating a cosplay scythe is a rewarding project that combines creativity, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. By following this guide and infusing your own creativity, you can craft a unique and impressive prop that will enhance your cosplay and turn heads at conventions. Remember to prioritize safety, both in construction and use, and don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques and materials to achieve your desired look. With patience and practice, you'll soon be wielding a scythe worthy of any reaper, anime character, or fantasy warrior.
Whether you're crafting Ruby Rose's Crescent Rose or designing your own original scythe, the key is to enjoy the process and let your creativity shine. Happy crafting, and may your cosplay adventures be legendary!

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