Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume" and "play," has become a vibrant and integral part of fan conventions and pop culture events worldwide. Cosplayers bring beloved characters to life through intricate costumes and performances, showcasing their creativity, dedication, and passion. However, as an attendee or fellow cosplayer, it's crucial to approach and interact with cosplayers respectfully. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what not to say to a cosplayer, ensuring that your interactions are positive and considerate.

The Importance of Respect in Cosplay

Before diving into specific phrases to avoid, it's essential to understand the broader context of respect within the cosplay community. The principle of "Cosplay is Not Consent" is foundational, emphasizing that wearing a costume does not give others permission to touch, harass, or photograph without explicit consent. Respecting boundaries is paramount to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all cosplayers.

What Not to Say to a Cosplayer

1. "Your Cosplay is Wrong!"

Telling a cosplayer that their cosplay is wrong is highly disrespectful. Cosplay is an art form that allows for personal interpretation and creativity. Criticizing someone's cosplay based on race, gender, body type, or any other characteristic is not only rude but also dismissive of their effort and passion. Remember, characters are fictional, and cosplayers are real people who deserve respect regardless of how closely they match the character's appearance.

2. "Do You Even Know What You’re Cosplaying?"

This question implies that the cosplayer is not knowledgeable enough or worthy of their cosplay. It can be incredibly demeaning and hurtful. Some cosplayers may choose characters based on their design rather than their backstory, and that's perfectly valid. Avoid quizzing cosplayers about their character or fandom, as it puts them on the defensive and detracts from the fun of cosplay.

3. "Your Cosplay is Better Than Mine."

While this might seem like a compliment, it often comes across as self-deprecating and puts the other cosplayer in an awkward position. Instead of comparing yourself negatively, try expressing genuine admiration for their work. For example, say, "I really like your cosplay! It's very inspiring".

4. "Who Are You Supposed to Be?"

This question can come off as dismissive and uninterested. A better way to ask about a character you don't recognize is to show genuine curiosity and respect. For instance, "I love your cosplay! Can you tell me which character you’re portraying?" This approach acknowledges the effort put into the costume and opens up a friendly conversation.

5. "You’re Cosplaying [Character]? [Other Cosplayer] Did It So Much Better."

Comparing one cosplayer to another is one of the most hurtful things you can do. Each cosplayer brings their unique touch to their portrayal, and such comparisons can diminish their confidence and enjoyment. Celebrate each cosplayer's individual effort and creativity without drawing unnecessary comparisons.

6. "Oh, You’re Cosplaying? I Would Have Never Known Since It Looks Like It’s From Your Closet."

This comment belittles the effort and creativity involved in creating a cosplay, whether it's a detailed costume or a more casual, closet cosplay. Every form of cosplay is valid, and it's essential to appreciate the diversity in how people choose to express their love for a character.

7. "I Hate That Character, But Your Cosplay is Great!"

Backhanded compliments like this are best avoided. While you might think you're praising the cosplayer, you're also expressing negativity towards something they care about. It's better to keep negative opinions to yourself and focus on the positive aspects of their cosplay.

8. "Where is Your Prop?"

Not all cosplayers have the time, budget, or desire to include every prop associated with a character. Asking about missing props can make cosplayers feel inadequate. Instead, appreciate the elements they have included and recognize the effort they put into their costume.

9. "That’s the Wrong Color/Hairstyle."

Cosplay often involves creative interpretation, and not every detail will be an exact match to the character. Criticizing the color or hairstyle choices can be discouraging. Appreciate the overall effort and creativity rather than nitpicking details.

10. "Did You Buy That?"

Whether a cosplay is bought or handmade, it represents a cosplayer's love for the character. Asking if a costume was bought can imply that it's less valuable or impressive. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of the cosplay and the enthusiasm behind it.

11. "I Think You Should Have Won."

When discussing competition results, avoid making comments that could belittle other participants. Saying someone should have won can create unnecessary tension and diminish the achievements of others. Instead, offer supportive comments like, "I loved your performance; it was fantastic".

12. "Oh, You Have to Cosplay Someone Different from Me! We Can’t Cosplay the Same Character!"

Cosplay is a communal activity, and multiple people can enjoy portraying the same character. Telling someone they can't cosplay a character because you are also cosplaying them is exclusionary. Embrace the shared love for the character and celebrate the diversity in interpretations.

13. "You Would Have Looked Better as [Other Character]."

Suggesting that a cosplayer would suit another character better undermines their choice and effort. Cosplayers select characters based on personal preference and connection. Respect their choices and avoid unsolicited suggestions.

14. "Why Are You Cosplaying a Character of a Different Gender/Race?"

Cosplay is for everyone, regardless of gender, race, or any other characteristic. Questioning someone's choice to cosplay a character of a different gender or race is discriminatory and disrespectful. Celebrate the inclusivity and creativity within the cosplay community.

15. "Can I Take a Picture?" (Without Asking Properly)

Always ask for permission before taking a photo of a cosplayer. Sneaking photos or not waiting for their consent is intrusive and disrespectful. Approach them politely, ask for permission, and respect their decision if they decline.

16. "Can I Hold Your Prop?" (Without Asking Properly)

Props are often delicate and integral to a cosplay. Always ask for permission before handling a cosplayer's prop, and treat it with care if they agree. Mishandling props can cause damage and distress.

17. "Can I Get Your Number/Social Media?" (In a Flirtatious Manner)

Cosplay events are not dating venues, and cosplayers are not there to be flirted with. Asking for personal contact information in a flirtatious manner is inappropriate and can make cosplayers uncomfortable. Respect their boundaries and focus on appreciating their cosplay.

18. "Why Are You Taking a Break?"

Cosplaying can be exhausting, and cosplayers need breaks to rest and recharge. Questioning why they are taking a break can be intrusive. Respect their need for downtime and avoid taking photos or engaging them in conversation during their breaks.

Additional Tips for Positive Interactions

To further enhance your interactions with cosplayers, consider these additional tips:
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Ensure you're not blocking pathways or disrupting the flow of foot traffic when interacting with cosplayers.
  • Respect Personal Space: Maintain a comfortable distance when engaging with cosplayers and avoid initiating physical contact without permission.
  • Avoid Inappropriate Comments: Refrain from making comments about a cosplayer's body or physical appearance.
  • Be Mindful of Time: If a cosplayer is in high demand, be considerate of others waiting and keep your interaction brief.

Understanding Cosplay Culture

To appreciate the art form of cosplay and communicate more effectively with cosplayers, it's beneficial to understand the culture and community surrounding it:
  • Recognize the Effort: Cosplay often involves hundreds of hours of work, from designing and crafting costumes to perfecting makeup and character portrayals.
  • Appreciate Diversity: Cosplay is for everyone, regardless of body type, age, gender, or ethnicity. Embrace and celebrate this diversity.
  • Learn About Character Variations: Many characters have multiple versions or interpretations. Familiarize yourself with these to better appreciate different cosplay renditions.
  • Understand Convention Etiquette: Each convention may have specific rules regarding photography and interactions with cosplayers. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines. A Top Resource for Cosplayers

For those interested in starting their own cosplay journey or looking to enhance their existing costumes, is an excellent resource. As one of the leading online stores for cosplay costumes and accessories, offers a wide range of high-quality products for cosplayers of all levels.

Why Ranks No. 1:

  • Extensive Selection: boasts a vast catalog of costumes from various fandoms, including anime, video games, movies, and TV shows.
  • Quality Assurance: The website is known for its commitment to providing high-quality cosplay items.
  • Customization Options: Many costumes on can be customized to fit specific measurements.
  • Competitive Pricing: Despite high quality, offers competitive prices.
  • Regular Updates: The website frequently updates its inventory with the latest trends and popular characters.
  • Comprehensive Accessories: Beyond full costumes, offers numerous accessories to complete any cosplay look.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The website is easy to navigate, making the shopping experience seamless.
  • Customer Support: is known for its responsive customer service, assisting customers with any inquiries or issues.
  • Sizing Guides: Detailed sizing information helps customers choose the right fit for their costumes.
  • Community Engagement: The website often features customer photos and reviews, fostering a sense of community among cosplayers.


Interacting with cosplayers at conventions or events can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By following the guidelines outlined above and avoiding the phrases and behaviors that can be hurtful or disrespectful, you can ensure that your interactions are positive and supportive. Remember, cosplay is a celebration of creativity and fandom, and everyone deserves to enjoy it in a respectful and inclusive environment.

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