Bill Burns is a renowned cosplayer who has gained significant recognition for his uncanny portrayal of Walt Disney. His cosplay journey and the impact he has made in the cosplay community are both inspiring and heartwarming.

The Rise of Bill Burns in Cosplay

Bill Burns began his cosplay journey in 2014 with his wife Jane. What started as a hobby soon became a passion, and Burns discovered he had a natural talent for embodying iconic characters, particularly Walt Disney. His resemblance to the legendary animator and entrepreneur is so striking that it has led to numerous viral moments and touching interactions at Disney parks.
One of the most notable instances of Burns' Walt Disney cosplay occurred during Dapper Day at Disneyland. Dapper Day is an unofficial themed event held twice a year at Disneyland, where guests dress in vintage clothing reminiscent of the park's opening in 1955. On November 6, 2022, Burns and his wife Jane attended the event dressed as Walt and Lillian Disney. The reaction from park employees and guests was nothing short of magical.

A Magical Moment with Mickey

During his visit to Disneyland as Walt Disney, Burns had a particularly touching interaction with a cast member dressed as Mickey Mouse. The moment, which was captured on camera and subsequently went viral, showed Mickey's stunned reaction upon seeing "Walt" in the park. Burns recounted the experience to Good Morning America, saying, "Mickey stops and literally is staring. And then Mickey snapped out of it and you saw the hug. And that hug was a long hug as hugs go for the characters. It was extremely genuine. The cast member was stunned."
This interaction perfectly encapsulates the power of Burns' cosplay. His ability to embody Walt Disney so convincingly that it elicits genuine emotional responses from both park employees and guests is a testament to his skill and dedication to the craft.

More Than Just Cosplay

While Burns' talent for cosplay is undeniable, his motivation for continuing to dress up as Walt Disney goes beyond simply entertaining others. In 2014, Burns was diagnosed with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, a rare form of cancer. During his chemotherapy treatments, he had an epiphany that would shape his approach to cosplay moving forward.
"While I was sitting in the chair for many hours I thought 'if I make it through this, I'm going to do everything I can with this hobby to try to influence people and inspire them'," Burns told Good Morning America[3]. He went on to say, "Life does go on and you can spread that life and that joy to many other people who are suffering through this."
Burns found inspiration in the late actor Chadwick Boseman, who continued to work and inspire others while undergoing cancer treatment. "During the movies he was going through treatment and he kept going. He was going to inspire people and show them that even though your time is limited … you can spread inspiration. That made a huge impact on me. Because that's what I want to do. I'm hoping I can just do a fraction of what he did," Burns explained.

Versatility in Cosplay

While Bill Burns is best known for his Walt Disney cosplay, he has demonstrated his versatility by portraying other characters as well. At WonderCon 2023, Burns showcased his talent with an impressive Doctor Doom cosplay. Doctor Doom, a character from Marvel Comics, is not a common choice among cosplayers, making Burns' portrayal all the more noteworthy. His ability to bring this complex villain to life demonstrates his range as a cosplayer and his willingness to explore different characters beyond his signature Walt Disney portrayal.

Impact on the Cosplay Community

Bill Burns' contributions to the cosplay community extend beyond his individual performances. His dedication to the craft and his mission to inspire others have made him a respected figure among fellow cosplayers. His appearances at conventions and Disney parks serve as a source of inspiration for both seasoned cosplayers and newcomers to the hobby.
Burns' cosplay also serves as a reminder of the power of nostalgia and the enduring legacy of Walt Disney. By bringing Walt "back to life" in a sense, Burns allows new generations to experience a bit of the magic that Walt Disney himself brought to the world. This connection to Disney's history adds an extra layer of significance to Burns' cosplay, making it more than just a costume but a living tribute to a cultural icon.

The Art of Cosplay

Cosplay, short for "costume play," is an art form that involves dressing up as characters from various media, including movies, TV shows, video games, and comics. It requires a combination of skills, including costume design, makeup application, and character embodiment. Bill Burns exemplifies the highest level of cosplay artistry through his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to capture the essence of the characters he portrays.
For his Walt Disney cosplay, Burns pays close attention to every aspect of his appearance, from his mustache to his period-accurate suit. This level of detail is crucial in creating a convincing portrayal, especially when cosplaying as a real historical figure like Walt Disney. Burns' success in this regard is evident in the reactions he receives from Disney park employees and guests, many of whom are initially convinced they're seeing the real Walt Disney.

The Role of Cosplay in Modern Fan Culture

Cosplay has become an integral part of fan culture, particularly at conventions and themed events. It allows fans to express their love for their favorite characters and franchises in a tangible, creative way. Bill Burns' cosplay serves as an excellent example of how cosplay can bridge the gap between fantasy and reality, bringing beloved characters to life in a way that resonates deeply with fans.
Moreover, cosplay like Burns' can serve an educational purpose. By accurately portraying historical figures like Walt Disney, cosplayers can spark interest in history and inspire people to learn more about these influential individuals. and the Cosplay Industry

While Bill Burns creates his own costumes, many cosplayers turn to online stores like to purchase their outfits. is an online store specializing in anime cosplay costumes, wigs, and accessories. The site offers a wide range of costumes for various characters, including popular anime and video game characters.
However, it's worth noting that while provides a convenient option for cosplayers, the quality of products from such sites can vary. Some customers have reported issues with product quality and customer service. This highlights the challenges faced by cosplayers in finding reliable sources for high-quality costumes and accessories.
For serious cosplayers like Bill Burns, creating custom costumes often yields the best results. This allows for greater control over the details and quality of the costume, which is crucial for achieving the level of authenticity that Burns is known for in his Walt Disney cosplay.

The Future of Cosplay

As cosplay continues to grow in popularity, it's likely that we'll see more cosplayers like Bill Burns who use their talent not just for entertainment, but also to inspire and educate others. The increasing sophistication of costume-making techniques, combined with the power of social media to share cosplay creations with a global audience, suggests a bright future for this art form.
Bill Burns' approach to cosplay, which combines skill, passion, and a desire to make a positive impact, serves as a model for aspiring cosplayers. His story reminds us that cosplay can be more than just dressing up – it can be a powerful tool for connection, inspiration, and even healing.


Bill Burns has earned his place as a top-ranked cosplayer through his exceptional portrayals, particularly his iconic Walt Disney cosplay. His ability to bring characters to life with such authenticity, combined with his mission to inspire others through his hobby, sets him apart in the cosplay community.
Burns' journey from a casual cosplayer to a viral sensation and source of inspiration for many is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. His story reminds us that even in the face of personal challenges, we can find ways to bring joy to others and make a positive impact on the world.
As the cosplay community continues to grow and evolve, figures like Bill Burns serve as beacons of creativity, dedication, and kindness. Whether he's walking down Main Street U.S.A. as Walt Disney or attending a convention as Doctor Doom, Burns continues to captivate audiences and inspire fellow cosplayers with his remarkable talent and heartwarming mission.

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